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Thoughts on; Expedition Foods

Updated: Feb 20, 2024

Expedition Foods

I spend somewhere between 30-40 nights wild camping in Snowdonia every year and have a fairly considered approach to what I eat during that time. “Back in the old days” we weren’t spoilt with the choice we now have and I remember some really nasty dehydrated food! Buying from an Outdoor Shop wasn’t affordable, so the the supermarket or health food shop options were the best of a worst choice. Although I seem to recall not eating loads and somehow surviving until we got back to the cafe or Motorway Services for some truly wonderful grub!!

Since then I have tried most things that have been commercially available - anyone remember the 1st American ration packs that heated themselves up or Nasa’s space food? For me it’s absolutely crucial to have food that I want to eat and will enjoy on the mountains, there’s nothing worse than being soaked through and jumping into your tent knowing full well, that dinner is going to be awful. The other key factors are price and nutritional value. If time allows then I’ll head to Tesco's and rustle up a lovely menu that is going to work on a small stove, being a bloke though, I’m rarely that organised! So I’m normally seen running into the local outdoor shop to pick up my main meals. Wet food is great, but “getting older” every gram I carry adds up, so back to the dehydrated food for me. Camping food has changed so much, firstly it actually tastes of something and to be fair most of the flavours are excellent. They weigh very little, take minimum amount of time to rehydrate properly, are packed with calories and all things that are ideal after a long day in the mountains. Yes I could feed both my cats for a whole week for the price of 1 main meal (!), yes I would prefer a nice Fillet de Boeuf on my mini breaks with a little Bordeaux, but the convenience afforded by them is ideal for me. I’ve tried them all and currently use Expedition Foods, who have a great range and with a background in Expeditions they understand what is required. Top scoff!


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